Is it too late for a New Years resolution post?
One of my last images with the Nikon system is a keeper.
2017 was plenty alright.
There was some track driving, track photos, and traveling around the world. For someone who hates the idea of staying out past 9 PM, it was an altogether good year for photography! So, you may begin to ask, what does Tim have in store for 2018? Well, I'm still figuring that out myself.
Perhaps most crucially, I've decided to take a big photographic leap: I've sold all of my Nikon gear and joined the ever-growing legion of Fujifilm shooters. I was infatuated (and still am) with the X100s from a few years back, and now I've added the XT-2 to my kit. It's strange to step back from the full-frame camera system, which I placed on a very high pedestal for almost ten years. It's not yet clear how much I'll miss it, but I don't so far.
What I can tell you, however, is that this little Fujifilm camera is divine.
It has that nebulous but wonderful Fujifilm style, which every Fuji shooter can't totally articulate. It's an absolute joy to use, it's simple, and most importantly: the images are phenomenal. It's early days, but I'm convinced that the hype around this camera system is real. Now it's time to head out for some proper photoshoots.
Manual focus, waist-level shooting with the X-T2 is the ultimate incognito setup.
That leads me into yet another photographic leap: I'm going semi-pro again.
I'm not entirely sure where to start, as I've only done a few weddings, portrait sessions and events in the past. What's clear to me, though, is that I can do it, and if I'm good at something I love, I should do it as much as possible.
If you're looking for an event covered, a portrait/headshot session, or if you're getting hitched, send me a message. I'd love to take some photographs for you. Maybe I can brighten your 2018 as much as I hope to brighten mine!